When Tartan set out to create the latest in a long line of excellent 37-footers we thought past the “usual” approach to the performance/accommodation puzzle. The result is a fast and stable performance cruising yacht with an uncommonly welcoming and functional interior.
A key aspect of the Tartan 3700’s reassuring stability is the generous 12-foot 7-inch beam that is carried well aft, but with an innovative twist at the stern where topside flare adds plenty of deck and cockpit space, while keeping the transom waterline on the trim side.
The accommodation plan of the Tartan 3700 works equally well for feeding and watering a cruising crowd or for pampering a family or two cruising couples on an extended sailing vacation. The two staterooms are completely private, each with generous-size clothes drawers and hanging locker. And by cleverly angling the bulkheads of the dinette outward and angling the bulkheads of the nav station and galley inward the feel of the 3700’s interior suits the particular function of each space.
Walking down the dock, the 3700 ‘s rig stands out from the crowd. A carbon fiber engineering showpiece, the lofty tapered rig sports an integrally molded, strong and lightweight masthead and crane.
Her double spreader rig is stronger, stiffer and lighter than an aluminum mast. This results in an increased righting moment, greater sail carrying ability and vastly improved sailing performance. Picture having four 200 lb crew members on the weather rail in all conditions, but the good news is you get their benefit without having to feed them or house them aboard.
Stronger and stiffer means safer and faster. Because carbon can be tailored to meet the changing load requirements in a mast, extra material can be added where it is needed most resulting in a mast that can be engineered with higher safety margins. A stiff rig remains in tune through changing conditions and results in all of the energy of the sails being directly transformed into the energy that drives the boat.
Tartan developed its Pocket Boom on its award winning Tartan 3400. This unique feature provides the ability to fit an easy to manage, uncompromised performance mainsail. Unlike furling masts or booms, the Pocket Boom mainsail is cut with full roach, full battens and optimized draft. Sailmakers are able to design sails for performance rather than meeting the constraints of the mast or boom. The Pocket Boom is fit with an always-in place sail cover, unzip it and raise the sail from its contained “pocket”and you are ready to sail. When dropping the main, it falls into the boom and lazy jack enclosure, no muss, no fuss. Zip the sail cover back over the sail and the 3700’s CCR is shipshape. With Tartan’s Pocket Boom, performance cruising is not compromised by convenience, instead it is enhanced.
Upwind the 3700 is fit with a roller furling, self-tacking jib. The cut is a high aspect ratio upwind blade with a long luff and tight sheeting angles. We increased the SA/Disp ratio to maintain light air performance and the high stability of the 3700 CCR allows the boat to carry full sail when others are reefing. Tacking is as simple as putting the helm over, while the jib and mainsail tack themselves. Short tacking out of a harbor or anchorage is done with little effort.
When its time to ease the sheets, set the 3700’s CCR 150% furling masthead reacher. This sail can be used close reaching in lighter winds, broad reaching in heavier conditions and dead downwind, wing and wing with the mainsail. Tartan’s pursuit of the perfect performance cruiser will keep you sailing while others have no choice but to start their engine.
Tartan 3700 , dedicated to delivering Tartan comfort and packed with performance and handling features to please the most devout sailor.